While searching for a way and manageable practice to implement gratitude exercises in my daily life a newly met wonderful person send me the link to this video. It didn’t took more than a minute … Read More
Vulnerability – the Call to Courage | Brené Brown
During the last years and months I kept thinking of my ongoing struggle to bond to people, to feel truly connected. This happens so rarely that I started to doubt that this is even possible for me. I started thinking that I scare people off, that I show too much of my true self, revealing too much of myself, so that they have no chance than to run away from me.
This video by Brené Brown gave me some courage.
Discover Who You Really Are | Neale Donald Walsch
When I watched this video for the first time I started to cry immediately. And even now, after watching it dozens of times, still each time tears get into my eyes. My heart opens up instantly each time, getting touched deeply.
In this powerful video by Mindvalley, Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations With God, shares a goosebump-inducing message of who you really are.