Crypto Currencies

Once an overview of all crypto assets is created, all can be converted into any fiat currency with just one click. Explore the interactive dashboard below and automatically display the conversion of all crypto assets when new data is added, saving time for future analysis overviews.
  • Slide 1 - Market Cap and Volume for 15 Crypto Currencies overview dashboard
    display the last Open, High, Low, Close, Market Cap and Volume values for chosen 15 Crypto Currencies, automatically being recalculated in 41 FIAT Currencies

  • Slide 2 - Open, High, Low, Close for 15 Crypto Currencies for any time period (2013-2023) overview dashboard
    compare different KPIs like Minimum, Maximum and Variance for any year, quarter of month for any of the 15 Crypto Currencies any of the provided FIAT currencies

  • Slide 3 - Graphical comparison for 15 Crypto Currencies for any time period (2013-2023) overview dashboard
    compare different graphics for any year, quarter of month for any of the 15 Crypto Currencies any of the provided FIAT currencies

  • Project Options

    You can choose only a one-time setup, or you can add monthly updates of your data.

    One-time setup

    Get your crypto data setup in a Power BI dashboard

    Get the major crypto data template

    With up to 3 minor adaptions

    Setup in your own Power BI environment


    Monthly updates

    Ensure monthly updates to always have your data up to date

    One-time setup is a pre-requisite

    Monthly data update

    Technical support via email
