Releasing Jaw Breaking Fears

blueseaconsultingAnxiety, Belief Patterns, Blog, P-DTR, TraumaLeave a Comment

After some emotionally deep changes last months I decided to try something on a more physical level. In overall I felt quite stable so I wanted to give it a try. A friend told me about this guy checking the body on a muscular level, testing out muscle tension and balancing the glands and nerve system. Due to the huge impact these first sessions had on me I want to share it here with you: The Method of Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) in Functional Neurology

Deleting Destructive Belief Patterns

blueseaconsultingAnxiety, Belief Patterns, Blog, Theta HealingLeave a Comment

Sometimes it is astonishing me how much we are guided by our internal belief patterns which we are often not even aware of. Growing up in a very abusive and not supportive environment I am full of these destructive belief patterns. Through the years I developed some techniques to check the status of my beliefs and sometimes it is really scary to which beliefs which I am discovering I have to agree to. Here is one example I want to share of one belief and how I was able to delete it and change my actual behavior within minutes.